This blog will hopefully give other docs an inside look at the trials and tribulations of transitioning a busy solo family practice office to a third party and managed care free practice.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

OBama's Healthcare Summitt

I worked today in my private office. I receive no outside funding. I work for myself and my patient's. I do not ask for any handouts or any special political favors.

Today was President OBama's healthcare summit.

My main question: How many physicians who own and operate their own private practice were included in the "summit" ?

Here I am trying to do what is right for the healthcare needs of my patient's. My practice is set up to be accessible and affordable. I keep overhead low and time with patient's high. I do this by avoiding any third party intrusion into the exam room. My fear is that Mr. OBama will try to jam down more third party intruders into the exam room, and as a result will dismantle the doctor-patient relationship even further. This will not be good for our country. My goal is to be able to provide family healthcare needs to any who want it at an affordable price. This may get difficult if the bureaucrats take over.

Todays stats:

15 patients- 12 in the am shift, 3 in the afternoon.

1 new patient who joined my wellness plan. this is the daughter of a current wellness patient, who is presently uninsured. She has medical issues she wants to address, some of which may be hereditary. As I treat her parents, and have an affordable monthly payment option, she had no hesitation in joining my office.

There is value in trust. More docs need to remember this!!

1 wellness patient renewed for the year.
Only 1 medicare patient today, and 7 selfpay.
If my 4 workdays were all like this, my revenues would be higher than when I participated with insurers.

My ad campaign starts next week. I will be running 4 consecutive ads, costing under $70 each, with bullet points that share my views on healthcare and how my practice differs from others.
I'll comment later in my return on investment (roi).


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