This blog will hopefully give other docs an inside look at the trials and tribulations of transitioning a busy solo family practice office to a third party and managed care free practice.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Another saturday

A nice spring day.

It's saturday am. My wife and daughter are out for the morning. I am home relaxing catching up on emails. I do not have regular scheduled hours on weekends. I only live a few minutes from my office so I can go in to see a patient without messing up my day. But it still is nice to not get any calls.

The prior week was slow in patient's seen, but good for wellness plan signups. We had 39 patient visits, and 9 wellness plan sign-ups or renewals, including a few new to the practice and new to the plan. Revenues still allow take home pay, but still below the average for most family docs. But I would not trade the revenues for the freedom. And if all goes well, the revenues will increase each year. As it is still early in the transition, I find it easier to pay myself quarterly instead of monthly.

My new ad campaign continues in the local paper. Have had a few calls and have seen my website hits rise. It will take time, but it will happen. Why do I say that and why the confidence?

If you hear the compliments I receive from my patient's, not for any special medical skills, but instead for being a different kind of doctor, one who takes the time to listen, and one who does what is necessary, regardless of the outside powers that be, you would also be confident.


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