This blog will hopefully give other docs an inside look at the trials and tribulations of transitioning a busy solo family practice office to a third party and managed care free practice.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday, aka snowday

I woke up this morning and looked outside, and saw a blanket of white. I was informed last night that schools were closed for today. So should I go in to work or stay home?

The conditions were not terrible, but far from ideal. Winds and snow, and temps in the teens, with a wind chill in the single digits. So here is how I made my decision to close for the day.

  • Only had 4 people scheduled for the am, 2 of which were for labwork only. None were urgent. I cancelled them out last night.
  • I had no one scheduled for the afternoon-evening appointment slots. Now, on a normal day I average about a dozen call-in appointments on mondays. But with the weather, I did not expect too many, and there is always tuesday.
  • My medical assistants are paid hourly. It would cost me more to pay them to work, then I would get in pay form the few patient's who braved the weather.
  • By 1pm, I had 3 phone calls from patient's. 2 for UTI's , and 1 a question on blood pressure. So I am not exactly losing much in revenue for the day. And if previous years show a pattern, I will make up most of the revenues in added patients the next few days.
I'll post the next few days to see if my predictions come true.


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