This blog will hopefully give other docs an inside look at the trials and tribulations of transitioning a busy solo family practice office to a third party and managed care free practice.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring Break is finally over

Last week was Spring Break. It seemed like half the town was away. Now I know some docs who love it when the office is slow. But they are usually either salaried, or heavy into capitation. I like to be busy, but not rushed.

So last week had 43 patients through the office with 1 wellness plan renewal.
overall for the week,

14 wellness , 8 medicare, and 21 selfpay.

For the year the percentage patient visits is as follows:

37% wellness, 23% Medicare, 39% Selfpay

this is pretty close to what I expected at 40-20-40.

I hope as the year drags on to make it to 50-15-35, and each year have the wellness portion get larger.

For those reading this blog, please send in comments, questions or suggestions. I hope to learn as much from you as hopefully you are from me!


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