This blog will hopefully give other docs an inside look at the trials and tribulations of transitioning a busy solo family practice office to a third party and managed care free practice.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Slow day

Tuesdays are usually slow. Today wins the award for slowest of the year.

Only had 5 people through the office, however one established patient paid for the wellness plan without being seen. Also had a new self-pay patient as well. While I saw 1/3 of the volume of the previous day, the revenues were still 2/3 . Still making a profit even with only 5 patient's today. Try that with insurers.

I am off tomorrow. But thursday already looks busier with 11 patient's scheduled, with 2 potential wellness plan enrollments.

On slow days, you need to make good use of your time. My spare time was spent partially with the patient's I evaluated today, an extra 5-10 minutes goes a long way for goodwill, and the rest was spent negotiating for a mortgage refinancing for my home. With interest rates so low, the few hours I spent could have a huge return on the time investment.


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